Jiné odborné společnosti
Odborná sdělení z jiných odborných společností
- Stanovisko výboru Společnosti pro orgánové transplantace ČLS JEP k recentní pandemii COVID-19 ze dne 15.2.2021
- Stanovisko výboru Společnosti pro orgánové transplantace ČLS JEP k očkování proti onemocnění COVID-19
- Kidney information in 37 languages: First time in world website in 37 languages, including the 10 most widely spoken languages of the world.
- 200-page book "Save Your Kidneys – a Complete Resource: One-stop solution that will answer all queries about the prevention and care of major kidney diseases in a single book available on the website.
- Global Team of 100+ Nephrologists prepared kidney books in their native languages to provides authentic information.
- Free Website: Read online or download the kidney health book in 37 languages free in different formats (PDF, ePub & via WhatsApp).
- World Record Award Winner Website: For "eBook in the highest number of languages", the website received a world record award title.
- Total 84 Million Hits so far and current monthly 1.5 million hits of the website reflect its widespread use by kidney patients.
- Unbiased Information – No sponsorship, advertisement, donation, or funding.
Major Links
• Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidney_Education_Foundation
• American Society of Nephrology: Kidney Week
• World Kidney Day as an External supporting organization
• Information on YouTube: https://youtu.be/H-CGM9cWn3k
ASN Endorsed Kidney Education Website - ASN Kidney News March 2020.pdf
1,38 MB, Datum poslední změny: 15.2.2021
September 2015
Call for Fellowship Program
Dear Colleague,
The ISN Fellowship Program aims at providing relevant and contemporary
nephrology trainings for physicians from emerging countries, with the ultimate
goal of improving kidney care in the country of the Fellow when he returns
home after the training.
Next deadline for submission is October 1, so get ready to apply soon!
Questions? Please visit the Fellowship Program webpage and check out the
Fellowship booklet or contact the Fellowship Program Secretariat: Marie-Pierre Smal
Fellowship Program Chair
Prof. David Harris, Australia
What are the eligibility criteria?
- Are you between 30 and 45?
- Are you living and working in a developing country?
- Have you received basic training in nephrology in your home country?
- Are you nominated by a Home Mentor and does your Home Institution guarantee your re-employment
after the training? - Can you be recommended by two senior nephrologists in your home country?
- Are you endorsed by the national society of nephrology in your home country?
- Have you identified an appropriate Host Mentor and Institution with whom you have agreed on a
suitable training plan? - Does your training plan reflect the skills and knowledge that are required by your Home Institution and
which you can implement on your return? - Can you understand and communicate in the host country's language?
- Are you willing to guarantee your return to your home country within three months of completing
the training? (Otherwise all funds received from ISN must be returned).
What is the evaluation process?
The Fellowship Program Committee is reviewing and assessing the applications via an objective scoring
system. Several factors are taken into consideration; these range from the proposed training plan and
academic qualifications to age and country scores, among others. The application to the Fellowship
Program is competition based; only the candidates with the highest scores will be granted a fellowship.
Candidates who are unsuccessful may apply again. The maximum amount of applications under the same
host mentorship is limited to three times.
Joint Fellowships
ISN has established a number of agreements with partner organizations. Eligibility for such programs are
determined by ISN staff and applications should be made via the usual processes for ISN Fellowships as
described in the Fellowship booklet and application procedure.
What is the deadline for submitting applications?
There are two application rounds for submitting project proposals: deadlines are May 1 and October 1.
Accepted projects are announced in August and January respectively. Don’t miss the next round on
October 1.
About the Fellowship Programs
Join our global network of Fellows and help us develop nephrology around the world. Check out some of
our current projects:
Fellow in Nigeria focuses on the importance of
ISN Fellow Christopher Obiorah just returned from
his training at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, USA.
He hopes to improve standards of care and start a renal
pathology program in his home country.
................................................................................................. Venezuela institute offers valuable interventional
nephrology training
ISN Fellows Shahbaj Ahmad and Israel David Campos
Gonzalez gained hands-on experience in interventional
nephrology procedures thanks to valuable training in the
renal department at the Hospital Universitario de Maracaibo
in Venezuela
5. Sympózium České společnosti pro cévní přístup
Pořádá Česká společnost pro cévní přístup ve spolupráci s Aesculap Akademií
Přihlášky k aktivní účasti společně s abstrakty zasílejte do 10.9.2015
Symp CSCP 2015.pdf
254,41 kB, Datum poslední změny: 21.6.2015