Renal Pathology Society Symposium Cologne 2016
We have been able to convince quite a few leading experts to come to Cologne to deliver a full day of nephropathology in the broadest sense.
There will be only advance online registration. The registration fee is 120 US$ and includes coffee/breakfast, hot lunch, afternoon tea and refreshments. The link to the registration and more information can be found on the following website
The Board of Directors of the Renal Pathology Society and me would feel honoured, if many of the members of your society would consider the trip to Cologne.
Best wishes,
PD Dr. med. Jan U. Becker
Institut für Pathologie
Universitätsklinikum Köln
Kerpener Strasse 62
50937 Köln
Telefon: +49(0)221 478 98803