30th Berlin Dialysis Seminar

30th Berlin Dialysis Seminar

Berlin Dialysis Seminar 2017 - First Announcement.pdf
1 MB, Datum poslední změny: 14.11.2017

Berlin Dialysis Seminar goes Europe!

On behalf of the organizers of the "Berlin Dialysis Seminar", we cordially invite all nephrologists to attend this year’s BDS meeting.

As you might know or as you may already have experienced as an honorable guest or speaker of our meeting, the Berlin Dialysis Seminar (BDS) is the largest meeting in the German speaking region of Europe focusing on the wide spectrum of clinical aspects of treating CKD and ESRD patients. The meeting is held annually during the first weekend of December in the center of Berlin and is regularly attended by more than 800 participants who enjoy an exciting atmosphere of international expert presentations and intense clinical discussion and exchange between colleagues.

This year, which marks the 30th anniversary of the BDS, time has come to open the meeting for international attendance. Starting this year, all presentations given in German will be simultaneously translated into English by professional translators. We therefore would like to encourage you and your colleagues to attend the BDS 2017 which starts at noon on Friday, December 1, and ends in the afternoon of Saturday, December 2.