More information on nephrology
- World Kidney Day
- Czech Kidney Foundation (in Czech)
- Czech Transplant Society
- ERA-EDTA - European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplant Association
- Czech Ministry of Health / Ministerstvo zdravotnictví ČR
- Camera Medica Bohemica / Česká lékařská komora
- Czech Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
- Czech Society of Cardiology
- Národní lékařská knihovna (National Medical Library)
- Quasi-Niere - German ESRD Registry
- Acumen Physical Solutions
- The Nephron Information Center
- Atlas of Diseases of the Kidney
- Robert W Schrier, ProJessor and Chairman, De- partment oj Medicine, University oj Colorado School oj Medicine
- Dialyse-online
- Thomas Woerpel
- NephroHUS
- RenalWorld
- Stephen Z. Fadem, MD., FACP
- American Society of Nephrology
- MedMatrix
- National Kidney Foundation